Infertility Treatment

Infertility treatment that puts an end to infertility

Finding out that you and your partner are unable to carry the family legacy can be upsetting, daunting and agonizing. But remember you are not alone, as plenty of Nepalese couple faces the situation of infertility despite frequent unprotected intercourse for years.

Infertility may result when a woman is unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy for long-term or when a male member fails to produce quality sperms. Fortunately, several safe and effective therapies improve the chances of getting pregnant and building your family. Followed by a few investigations and tests, the infertility specialist can provide appropriate recommendation for the male and female infertility treatment. It might be regulating hormones with certain drugs or choosing from some Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). IUI, IVF, IVF with ICSI are few common fertility treatments provided to infertile couples.

Infertility Causes & Treatments

The common cause of infertility in women highlights the problem in ovulation, cervix, and damage of fallopian tubes or uterus. For a pregnancy to occur in a woman, the whole steps of the female reproduction process need to be corrected. While in male, hormonal imbalance, low-quality sperm may contribute to infertility cause.  

Here, we shall discuss the causes of infertility in women, and men followed by their fertility treatments. 

Causes of infertility in female

1. Ovulation Disorders

Here women may ovulate irregularly or not at all, this accounts for infertility in 1 out of 5 females. Hormones secreted by pituitary glands or hypothalamus in the ovary can cause an ovulation disorder. Few other factors causing ovulation disorders are:

  • Excessive prolactin

    Production of prolactin (hyperprolactinemia) declines estrogen production level causing infertility.

  • Ovarian failure

    Caused by the premature loss of eggs or disorder in autoimmune response or ovarian insufficiency results in ovarian failure. Women under the age of 40, due to low estrogen production no longer generate eggs making them infertile.

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

    PCOS fertility treatment is needed when hormonal imbalance affects ovulation. It is generally associated with abnormal hair growth in the face, insulin resistance, obesity, and excessive acne. The best fertility treatment for PCOS is metformin, Clomid, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) or IVM (In Vitro Maturation).

  • Hypothalamic dysfunction

    Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are responsible for stimulating ovulation each month. Weight gain or loss, emotional or physical stress, can disrupt production and affect ovulation.

2. Tubal infertility

Blockage in the fallopian tube prevents the sperm from getting to the eggs and prevents fertilization. Causes of tubal infertility can include:

  • Infection of the uterus and fallopian tubes, pelvic inflammatory disease due to sexually transmitted disease, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. 
  • Surgery in the pelvis including ectopic pregnancy, fertilized egg implants, may develop in fallopian tubes instead of the uterus. 
  • Pelvic tuberculosis is a major cause of tubal infertility. 

3. Endometriosis

The extra growth of tissue that grows in the uterus or other parts of the lower body can block the fallopian tube and prevent the sperm from uniting with the egg. Endometriosis affects the lining of the uterus and disrupts the implantation of fertilized eggs; therefore, endometriosis infertility treatment is needed for successful fertilization of eggs in an embryo. 

4. Cervical issues

High interference with implantation increases the chances of miscarriage.

  • Abnormally shaped uterus from birth can create difficulty in conceiving. 
  • Narrowing of the cervix or cervical stenosis can cause malfunction or damage the cervix.
  • Failure to produce the best kind of mucus prevents the sperm to travel through the cervix and to the uterus. 
  • Inflammation or scarring in the uterus can disrupt implantation.
  • The existence of myomas or fibroids interferes with implantation affecting pregnancy. 

5. Unexplained infertility

Unexplained infertility occurs when women or her partner is suffering from unexplained infertility with no dedicated medical reasons. After the consultation, one needs to undergo unexplained infertility treatment including a complete set of fertility evaluations. For men, sperm count, and motility is conducted while for female fallopian tubes are examined.

Despite the continuous effort, failure to conceive a child, keeps any woman devastated. The situation urges them to search for an affordable fertility clinic nearby to perform every kind of fertility test, and treatment with the hope to become a mother someday. And we at Vatsalya are helping every woman in get the best fertility treatment with the highest success rate in Nepal.

Causes of infertility in men

  1. Varicocele

    This is a case where testicles swell, which is a common cause of male infertility. Though no exact reason is identified it may be related to abnormal testicular enlargement which reduces the quality and quantity of sperm. Fertility treatment for men can improve the sperm function, numbers, and outcomes of the IVF treatment.

  2. Infection

    Sperm infection can cause scarring, that blocks the passage of sperm. The infections include orchitis, epididymitis, sexually transmitted disease, HIV or gonorrhea which may result in permanent damage to testicles.

  3. Ejaculation issue

    Retro ejaculation occurs where semen instead of coming out of the penis tip enters the bladder. This incident occurs due to the use of improper medications, spinal injuries, diabetes, surgery, and prostate.

  4. Tumors

    Cancers and tumors can affect the male reproductive organs through the release of male hormones. Few cases such as chemotherapy, surgery, radiation can affect male infertility.

  5. Chromosome defects

    Inherent disorders cause abnormal development of the male reproductive organs. Other genetic issues include cystic fibrosis.

  6. Celiac disease

    Sensitivity to gluten can cause male infertility. Adopting a gluten-free diet can improve fertility.

  7. Undescended testicles

    During fetal development one or when both testicles fail to descend from the abdomen into the sac, it prevents the male members from releasing healthy semen.

Connect with our fertility experts at Vatsalya. Our fertility center is dedicated to the idea of developing strong healthy families. The clinic has some of the modern state-of-the-art technologies, allowing the fertility center to surpass the average success rate. 

When to visit the Infertility center?

Well, a woman should talk to the fertility specialist and approach for infertility treatment if:

  • The age is 35 or older and is trying to conceive for six months or longer.
  • Menstrual cycle is irregular.
  • Has been diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis.
  • Has faced several miscarriages.
  • Has undergone chemotherapy.

A man should talk to a doctor and take steps for male infertility treatment if:

  • The sperm count is low.
  • Existence of prostate or testicular issue.
  • Swelling of testicles.
  • Presence of infertility problems in family members. 

For infertility treatment service, remember Vatsalya, Nepal’s best infertility center equipped with modern technology, medicine and well-experienced doctors offering the best service with a positive rate of success. 

Infertility treatment in Nepal

For low male fertility, the most preferred infertility treatment is IVFICSI, and IUI.

  • Surgical Sperm Retrieval

    Surgical sperm retrieval is a male infertility treatment, which uses different surgical techniques to retrieve sperm. The most common fertilization treatments are TESA, MESA, PESA, TESE through needle aspiration or the removal of small tissue. Surgical sperm retrieval allows more flexibility on the IVF treatment.

  • Pre-Implantation Genetic Test

    It identifies the genetic defects in the embryos through IVF before pregnancy. Preimplantation genetic screening for abnormal chromosome number (PGT-A), Preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic (individual) disease (PGT-M) and Preimplantation genetic testing structural rearrangement (PGT-SR) tests are conducted. Every fertility specialist conducts these tests to determine genetic abnormalities and genetic defects.

  • Laser-Assisted Hatching

    This technique helps to attach embryos in the womb of a woman and allows the fertilized egg to hatch. Laser-assisted hatching technique is recommended to a female who failed on the IVF cycle. It’s the most suitable fertility treatment to have twins for the only risk associated with laser-assisted hatching is the risk of identical twins in embryos.

  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

    It is an additional part of the IVF treatment cycle where a single sperm is injected to assist fertilization. This is recommended to a couple who has been diagnosed with male fertility issues such as low sperm count, sperm motility, unsuccessful vasectomy, and anti-sperm antibodies.

  • Segmented IVF

    A new fertility treatment where the IVF treatment is divided between two cycles. The patients are treated with mild IVF where the medicine is stimulated during their first cycle and matured eggs are retrieved. The eggs are fertilized with sperms and frozen until the next menstrual cycle of women. These frozen blastocysts are transferred in the next cycle. This allows the patient to recover between the initial cycle and cycle of implantation. They have less side effects or risks, are less stressful and are healthier for babies.

  • Natural IVF

    Natural fertility treatment involves the collection of eggs during a woman’s natural menstrual cycle. There are no or lesser drugs involved through natural selection for the fertilization process. Natural IVF is a delicate and precise treatment for a woman with low AMH or low egg reserve and is considered to be the best treatment to get pregnant.

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)

    IVF fertility treatment is a complex series of procedures that assist infertility by preventing genetic problems. It is the most effective assisted reproductive technology where the pair can use their own sperm or eggs, so the chances of having a healthy baby using In vitro fertilization (IVF) is high.

  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

    IUI fertility treatment allows the sperm to get planted inside women’s uterus for fertilization. IUI aims to increase sperm count and motility. It is a simple fertility treatment that can be performed with or without the use of drugs. The procedure involves transferring of washed semen into the uterus.

Searching for infertility hospital?

Well, the search is definitely over as Vatsalya offers the best ART infertility treatment for women, medicine for infertility in male, and infertility surgeries for both male & female at a considerable infertility treatment cost. Vatsalya aims to help the couple fight infertility issue safely and healthily. Therefore, we use the best technology and medicine throughout the infertility procedure and help the pair build a healthy family. Contact Vatsalya to know more! 

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